En Kuralları Of C# IList Kullanımı

En Kuralları Of C# IList Kullanımı

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The above is an IList itself as this is what seems to be the standard to use with nhibernate. Otherwise I might have returned IEnumberable back but not sure. Still, I güç't figure out what the user would 100% need(that's where returning a concrete saf an advantage over).

C# CollectionBase sınıfı, özelleştirilebilir koleksiyonların oluşturulmasını katkısızlar ve bu sayede yazılım projelerinde elastikiyet ve yine kullanılabilirlik sağlar.

So I came across an interesting sıkıntı today. We have a WCF web service that returns an IList. Derece really a big deal until I wanted to sort it.

If you think that interfaces are useful only for building over-sized, grandiose architectures and have no place in small shops, then I hope that the person sitting across from you in the interview isn't me.

This will allow me to do generic processing on almost any array in the .NET framework, unless it uses IEnumerable and derece IList, which happens sometimes.

The Liskov Substitution Principle (simplified) states that a derived type should be able to be used in place of a base type, with no additional preconditions or postconditions.

Most app-level code (i.e. the everyday code that ou write for your application) should probably focus on the generic versions; however there is also a lot of infrastructure code around that must use reflection.

You gönül look at this argument from several angles including the one of a purely OO approach which says to izlence against an Interface hamiş an implementation. With this thought, using IList follows the same principal as passing C# IList Kullanımı around and using Interfaces that you define from scratch. I also believe in the scalability and flexibility factors provided by an Interface in general. If a class implmenting IList needs to be extended or changed, the consuming code does hamiş have to change; it knows what the IList Interface contract adheres to.

For example, let's say you have a Person class and a Group class. A Group C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor instance saf many people, so a List here would make sense. When I declare the list object in Group I will use an IList and instantiate it birli a List.

Then later if you decide to convert the actual data store from a List to C# IList Nasıl Kullanılır a Dictionary and expose the dictionary keys as the actual value for the property (I have had to do exactly this before). Then consumers who have come to expect that their changes C# IList Nasıl Kullanılır will be reflected inside of your class will no longer have that capability. That's a big problem! If you expose the List bey an IEnumerable you sevimli comfortably predict that your collection is C# IList Kullanımı hamiş being modified externally. That is one of the powers of exposing List birli any of the above interfaces.

I know that IList is the interface and List is the concrete type but I still don't know when to use each one. What I'm doing now is if I don't need the Sort or FindAll methods I use the interface. Am I right? Is there a better way to decide when to use the interface or the concrete type?

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You accept an Interface as a parameter for a method because that allows the caller to submit different concrete types kakım arguments. Given your example method LogAllChecked, the parameter someClasses could be of various types, and for the person writing

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